RO command in AutoCAD – Rotate3D – Rotate 3D model around an axis


RO command in AutoCAD – Rotate3D – Rotate 3D model around an axis

1. The way to call RO command in AutoCAD

Screen menu Type command
Modify » Rotate » Rotate 3 Rotate 3D

Rotate3D command rotates 3D object around an axis

  • Rotate3D

Select objects: Select object to rotate (1)

Select objects:

Specify first point on axis or define axis by [Object/Last/View/Xaxis/Yaxis/Zaxis/ 2points]: Specify the first point A on rotation axis.

Specify second point on axis: Specify the second point A on rotation axis

Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: -120 Enter rotation angle

2. The options with RO command in AutoCAD

  • Object

Arrange rotation axis following to existing objects on drawing. If you enter the option O (Object), the following prompt line appears:

Select a line, circle, arc or 2D-polyline segment: Select object as straight line, circle, arc or 2D polyline segment.

  • Line

Select rotation axis as straight line.

RO command in AutoCAD – Rotate3D – Rotate 3D model around an axis

  • rotate3D

Select objects: Select object to rotate (1).
Select objects: ¿
Specify first point on axis or define axis by [Object/Last/View/Xaxis/Yaxis/Zaxis/ 2points]: O¿

Select a line, circle, arc or 2D-polyline segment: Select straight line as rotation axis (2).
Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: 90 ¿ Enter rotation angle in comparison with the position of selected current object.

  • Reference

Enter reference rotation angle and new angle.

Specify the reference angle <0>: Enter the start angle as reference angle.
Specify the new angle: Enter new angle as the end angle.
The difference between the start angle and the end angle is calculation of rotation angle.

  • Circle

Arrange rotation axis so that it is perpendicular with the plane of circle and axis across the center.

  • Rotate3D

Select objects: Select object to rotate (1).
Select objects:

Specify first point on axis or define axis by [Object/Last/View/Xaxis/Yaxis/Zaxis/ 2points]: O¿

Select a line, circle, arc or 2D-polyline segment: Select the straight line as rotation axis (2).

Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: 70 Enter rotation angle.

RO command in AutoCAD – Rotate3D – Rotate 3D model around an axis

  • Arc

Arrange rotation axis so that it is perpendicular with the plane of arc and crosses its center.
Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: Enter rotation angle.

  • 2D Polyline Segment

Arrange rotation axis following to polyline segment. Consider straight segment as straight line. Consider arc segment as an arc.

Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: Enter rotation angle or enter R.

  • Last

Use the last selected rotation axis by rotate3D command. If you enter the option L (Last), the following prompt line appears:

Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: Enter rotation angle.

  • View

Arrange rotation axis following to view direction of viewport across the selected point (direction is perpendicular with screen across the selected point). If you enter the option V (View), the following prompt line appears:
Specify a point on the view direction axis <0,0,0>: Select A point on the axis of view direction of screen.
Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: 120¿ Enter rotation angle.

RO command in AutoCAD – Rotate3D – Rotate 3D model around an axis

  • X Axis, Y Axis, Z Axis

Arrange rotation axis following to one of the axis ((X, Y, or Z) across the selected point.

  • Rotate3D

Select objects: Select object to rotate (1)

Select objects:
Specify first point on axis or define axis by [Object/Last/View/Xaxis/Yaxis/Zaxis/ 2points]: X

Specify a point on the X axis <0,0,0>: Select A point on X rotation axis.
Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: 90 ¿ Enter rotation angle.

a) X rotation axis                 b) Y rotation axis                c) Z rotation axis

Similarly, select rotation axis Y, Z across the selected points.

  • 2 Points

Use 2 points to define rotation axis. It is similar to the original default case.

Good luck!

Thanks for reading!!!

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