Saveimg command in AutoCAD – Save the shaded image
Saveimg command in AutoCAD – Save the shaded image
You can render directly to a file or save the history procedure as different files.
After creating the shaded image, you save this image to display again next time. Depending on the settings you choose, render procedure can take a long time. However, the re-display of the shaded image is immediate.
To save a shaded image, you can render directly to a file or can render to the viewport. Then save this image or can render to Render Window and save it.
- Render Directly to a File
You can ignore the screen and render directly to a file. An advantage of not rendering to the screen is that you can render with higher resolution in comparison with current display which the configuration allows. You can observe that image on the different systems with higher resolution. You set up the file position, file name by setting up Image Target in or on the expanded Render dashboard. The shaded images are saved in file formats such as: BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, JPG and PNG.
Saveimg command in AutoCAD – Save the shaded image
- Save a Viewport Rendering
You can choose to render a viewport. After rendering a model for viewport, you use Saveimg command to save the image displayed to one of the following file formats: BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, JPG, PNG. You can save the file following to arrangement of grayscale color field or different colors supplied by file formats you chose.
- Save a render window (Render Window Rendering)
If you choose render window as the render target, you can save the image or save an image copy as one of the following file formats: BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, JPG, PNG. Depending on the file format you choose, you can choose to save grayscale color field or colors arranged from 8 bits to 32 bits for each pixel point image (bpp).
- Save the shaded image
The order is as follows:
1. After the image is shaded for viewport, enter saveimg command
2. In Render Output File dialog box (picture 11.19), enter name for image and specify the export file.
3. Press Save.
Good luck!
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