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The commands in CAD: Summary of from basic to advanced AutocCAD commands and the most detailed explaination. CAD commands from AutoCAD 2007 version to current 2021

AutoCAD Shortcut Keyboard

Toggle General Features Toggle Key Description Ctrl+d Toggle coordinate display Ctrl+g Toggle Grid Ctrl+e Cycle isometric planes Ctrl+f Toggle running object snaps Ctrl+h Toggle Pick Style Ctrl+Shift+h Toggle Hide pallets Ctrl+i Toggle Coords Ctrl+Shift+i Toggle Infer Constraints Manage Screen Toggle Key Description Ctrl+0 (zero) Clean Screen Ctrl+1 Property Palette Ctrl+2 Design Center Palette Ctrl+3 Tool […]

Dimension Break command in Autocad – Create the space for dimension line

Dimension Break command in Autocad – Create the space for dimension line 1. The way to call Dimension Break command in Autocad Enter from keyboard Select from Menu Icon DIMBREAK Dimension\ Dimension Break 2. Meaning of the command DIMENSION BREAK command is to create the space for the intersecting dimension lines. 3. Diagram for carrying […]

Dimension Edit command in Autocad and the usage in details

Dimension Edit command in Autocad and the usage in details 1. The way to call Dimension Edit command in Autocad Enter from keyboard Select from Menu Icon DIMSPACE 2. Meaning of Dimension Edit command in Autocad DIMENSION EDIT command is to edit the dimension text and the oblique of the extension line. 3. Diagram for […]

Dimension Space command in Autocad

Dimension Space command in Autocad 1. The way to call Dimension Space command in Autocad. Enter from keyboard Select from Menu Icon DIMSPACE Dimension\ Dimension Space 2. Meaning of the command This command is to set the space between the parallel dimension lines or make the dimension lines to be aligned with each other. 3. […]

Helix command in AutoCAD – Create the helix

Helix command in AutoCAD – Create the helix 1. The way to call Helix command in AutoCAD. Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command Tool bar View » Helix Draw1 » Helix Helix Draw Helix command is to create 2D, 3D helix. Helix Number of turns = 3 (Default number of turn equal 3). Twist […]

Inspection command in Autocad and the detailed instruction

Inspection command in Autocad and the detailed instruction 1. The way to call the command Enter from keyboard Select from Menu Icon DIMINSPECT Dimension\ Inspection 2. Meaning of the command This command is usually to add or delete the additional information for dimension line. 3. Diagram for carrying out 4. Explain the dialog box. After […]

Pe command – Pedit command in AutoCAD – Edit 3D polyline

Pe command – Pedit command in AutoCAD – Edit 3D polyline 1. The way to call Pedit command in AutoCAD Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command Tool bar Modify » Objcect » Polyline Modify 1 » Pedit Pedit, PE Modify II Pedit command is to edit 2D, 3D polylines and 3D polygon net. Pedit […]

UCSicon command in AutoCAD

UCSicon command in AutoCAD – Control the display of the user coordinate system icon (UCS icon) 1. The way to call UCSicon command in AutoCAD Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command View » Display » UCS Icon » ON… TOOLS » Ucsicon Ddvpoint UCSicon command controls the display of the user coordinate system icon […]

UCSman command in AutoCAD – Manage the user coordinate systems

UCSman command in AutoCAD – Manage the user coordinate systems The way to call UCSman command in AutoCAD Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command Tool bar Tools » Named UCS… TOOLS » UCSman UCSman, Dducs UCSII Display and edit the user coordinate systems (UCSs) which are defined and have not yet been named, save […]

VP command – Ddvpoint command in cad

VP command – Ddvpoint command in cad – Set up the 3D view direction 1. The way to call Ddvpoint command in AutoCAD Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command View » 3DView » Viewpoint Presets… View 1 » Ddvpoint Ddvpoint Ddvpoint command (Dynamic dialog view point) is to define view point in the dialog […]

Vpoint command in AutoCAD and the usage in details

Vpoint command in AutoCAD and the usage in details 1. The way to call Vpoint command in AutoCAD Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command Tool bar View » 3DView » Viewpoint View 1 » Vpoint Vpoint, Vp View Vpoint command is to define view point to set up the view direction for 3D model […]

3DA command in AutoCAD

3DA command in AutoCAD – 3DArray command – Copy 3D objects as array 1. The way to call 3DA command in AutoCAD Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command Modify » 3D Operations » 3DArray Modify2 » 3DArray 3DArray 3DArray command copies 3D object as space array. There are types of array: Rectangular array and […]

3DF command – 3Dface command – Create 3D face

3DF command – 3Dface command – Create 3D face 1. The way to call 3DF command in AutoCAD. Screen menu Type command Draw2 » Surfaces » 3D face 3Dface, 3F 3Dface command creates a face including 3 or 4 edges in 3D space. You can enter the different Z coordinates for each vertex of this […]

3Dmove command in AutoCAD – Move 3D model

3Dmove command in AutoCAD – Move 3D model The way to call 3Dmove command in AutoCAD Dashboard Screen menu Type command Tool bar 3Dmake, 3D move Draw 2 » Solids » Box 3Dmove Modeling 3Dmove command is to move the object a determined distance following to a determined direction. When you choose base point, a […]

Ai_box command in AutoCAD

Ai_box command in AutoCAD – Create the net face of rectangular box 1. The way to call Ai_box command in AutoCAD Screen menu Type command Draw2 » Surfaces » 3D Objec: Select Box Ai_Box Ai_box command is to create the face of rectangular box that is defined by 3 dimensions: length, width, height. Ai_box ¿ […]

Al command in AutoCAD

Al command in AutoCAD – Align command – Align 3D objects following to scale Align the object following to other objects in 2D and 3D. Define 1, 2 or 3 pairs of source point and destination point to align the selected objects. 1. Align – Using a pair of points. Align Select objects: Select objects […]