Dimedit command in CAD
Dimedit command in CAD (DED command in CAD, dimed command in CAD): It is the command to edit position, value, rotation angle of dimension number in autocad. Below is the way to use dimedit command in CAD:
- Command: Dimedit or dimed
- Shortcut command: Ded
- Menu: Dimension\oblique
Command : DED↵ or Dimedit
Enter type of dimension editing [Home/New/ Rotate/Oblique] <Home>:
The choices
Bring dimension number to the original position when you specify dimension. When you enter H, the prompt line appears:
Select object: Choose dimension to edit
Change dimension number for specified dimension. When you enter N, at the final prompt line, the dialog box Multiline Edit Mtext appears and you enter new dimension number. The below prompt line will appear:
Select object: Choose dimension which needs to change dimension number
To edit value of dimension number, you can use Ddedit command.
Similar to choice Angle of DimtEdit command
Create the lines of bevel angle (oblique angle of extension line and dimension line). Using the choice Oblique to specify dimension of axonometric view in drawing 2D. When you enter O, the prompt line will appear:
- Select objects: Choose dimension to edit
- Select objects: Choose next dimension to edit or press ENTER to complete the choice
- Enter oblique angle (press ENTER for none): Value of oblique angle in comparison with standard line
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