How to specify the concentricity in AutoCAD


The way to specify the concentricity in AutoCAD

In the mechanical drawings, the concentricity is the necessary factor in machining drawing. Especially with the operation of a pillar detail, it is very important to ensure the concentricity. Below is our instruction to specify the concentricity in AutoCAD, the ways to specify in Autocad and the command to specify the concentricity:

Type command Tol => enter
Box 1: Choose the concentricity
=> CLick box symbol (Red square) => Choose R

Note: In other Autocad versions, the concentricity is signed clearly. However, Autocad 2007 version has only character symbol that leads to the difficulty in use. Therefore, you should use CAD 2013 version.

Box 2: Choose the diameter of circle
You need to click at it. It will be understood that you choose the diameter of circle.
Box 3: Type the tolerance
For example: you have the tolerance 0.02, you will type 0.02
Box datum 1:
If comparing with C plane, you type C.

The result:

Good luck!

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