Section command in AutoCAD


Sec command – Section command in AutoCAD – Create the intersecting section of plane with 3D Solid

1. The way to call Section command in AutoCAD.

Screen menu

Type command

Draw2 » Solids » Section

Section, Sec

Section command is used to create the section region which is intersection of plane with solids objects. After creating section, you can use Move or Copy command to move and copy the section to outside of performance image to create a separate section.

To draw the dash line of section, you move axis system to new position so that XY plane of UCS belongs to the section plane or is in parallel with screen.


Select objects: Select solid object to clip.
Select objects: Select next solid object to clip or press ENTER.
Specify first point on Section plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX] <3points>: Select the third point on section plane or enter an option

Sec command – Section command in AutoCAD – Create the intersecting section of plane with 3D Solid

2. The options with Section command in AutoCAD

First Point, 3 Points
Use 3 points to define section plane


  • Select objects: Select solid object to clip (1).
  • Select objects: Select next solid object to clip or press ENTER
  • Specify first point on Section plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX] <3points>: Specify the first point P1 on section plane
  • Specify second point on plane: Specify the second point P2 on section plane.
  • Specify third point on plane: Specify the third point P3 on section plane

  • Object

Arrange section plane following to plane of object: Circle, Ellipse, Elliptical arc, Arc, 2D spline or 2D polyline. After entering O instead of option, the prompt line appears:
Select a circle, ellipse, arc, 2D-spline, or 2D-polyline: Select a circle (2),

  • Z Axis

Define section plane by defining a point on section plane and another point on Z axis which is perpendicular with plane. After entering Z, the prompt line appears:

  • Specify a point on the section plane: Specify the first point P1 on section plane.

Specify a point on the Z-axis (normal) of the plane: Specify point P2 on Z axis which is perpendicular with plane.

Sec command – Section command in AutoCAD – Create the intersecting section of plane with 3D Solid

  • View

Arrange section plane following to view plane of current viewport. Choose a point to fix the position of section plane. After entering V instead of option, the prompt line appears:
Specify a point on the current view plane <0,0,0>: Specify point P1 on the current view plane

  • XY

Arrange section plane following to XY plane of current UCS. Choose a point to fix the position of section plane.
Specify a point on the XY-plane <0,0,0>: Specify a point P1 on the XY-plane

  • YZ

Arrange section plane following to YZ plane of current UCS. Choose a point to fix the position of section plane.
Specify a point on the YZ-plane <0,0,0>: Specify a point P1 on the YZ-plane

  • ZX

Arrange section plane following to ZX plane of current UCS. Choose a point to fix the position of section plane.
Specify a point on the ZX-plane <0,0,0>: Specify a point P1 on the ZX-plane

Good luck!

Thanks for reading!!!

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You can see more commands in AutoCAD… here


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