XLINE command in CAD – The command to draw extension line in CAD
XLINE command in CAD to draw a straight line or a series of intersect straight lines. XLINE (Construction line) is usually used as the command to draw extension line in CAD.
This command is usually used to draw extension lines, horizontal or vertical lines. In drawing projection surface, you can use this command to find drawing point; together with Trim, Scale command… you can create the sides of projection.
Command line: Xline
Menu: Draw –>Construction line
- a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset]: choose a point to start drawing (or choose H,V,A,B,O)
- through point: choose the second point of straight line
- through point: choose another point if you want to draw a series of straight lines across the first point
The choices of Xline command
- Hor: Create the horizontal line. After this choice, you just enter (or catch a point) a point that the straight line passes.
- Ver: Create the vertical line. After this choice, you just enter (or catch a point) a point that the straight line passes.
- Ang: Create straight line with a bevel angle. After this choice, AutoCAD requests you to enter.
- Enter angle of xline (0) or [Reference]: enter oblique angle
- Specify through point: choose a point belong to the straight line
Bisect: create a straight line across bisector of an angle (through 3 points), at this choice AutoCAD requests you to enter 03 points. The first point belongs to angle center, the second point and the third point belong to 2 sides of angle.
– Command: Xline
– Specify a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset]: B ↵
– Specify angle vertex point: choose vertex of angle
– Angle start point: choose a point of the first side of angle
– Angle end point: choose a point of the second side of angle
– Offset : Create a straight line in parallel with the existing straight line.
- Offset : Create a straight line in parallel with the existing straight line.
– Command: XLine
– Specify a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset]: O ↵
– Specify offset distance or [Through] <Through>: enter distance or t ↵
– Select a line object: choose origin object
– Specify through point: choose a point to specify the position of generated straight line
Good luck!
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