Insert block in cad

Insert block in cad (insert block command, insert block in autocad, the way to take block in autocad, insert block into autocad drawing, manage block in cad, I command in cad): it is the command to insert block or drawing file into existing drawing. Below is the way to use insert command in cad:

• Command: Insert
• Shortcut command: I
• Menu: Insert\block

Command: Insert↵ or from Insert menu choose Block…
Dialog box Insert appears:

The choices in dialog box Insert:

Name: Specify name of block or drawing file which needs to insert into existing drawing. This block will be default one for next insert times by Insert command. INSNAME system variable saves name of default block.

Browse…: Show dialog box Select Drawing File (similar to using Open command), in this dialog box you can choose block or drawing file which needs to insert.

Path: Specify the leader line of insert drawing file.

  • Insertion point: Specify insert point of block.
  • Specify On-Screen When you choose this key and choose OK, dialog box Insert closes temporarily and you fix the insert point on drawing following the prompt line:

* Specify insertion point or[Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]: X, Y, Z Enter abscissa, ordinale, altitude of insert point

  • Scale: Specify rate for insert block or drawing. If enter minus rate value X, Y and Z, the insert blocks or drawing files will be symmetric through axis.
  • Specify On-Screen Specify insert rate by the prompt lines
  • Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]: Choose the choices

∗ X, Y, Z Insert rate following direction X, Y, Z

∗ Scale Insert rate following same direction X, Y, Z

∗ PScale This choice allows to preview block image on screen before inserting.

When you enter PS the prompt lines appears:

∗ Specify preview scale factor for XYZ axes: Enter preview rate

∗ Specify insertion point: Choose insert point

∗ Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ]<1>: Enter rate following direction X

∗ PX, PY, PZ This choice allows to preview block image on screen before inserting.
Uniform Scale: same insert rate X, Y, Z, then you only enter a rate value X.

  • Rotation: Specify rotation angle for inserted block
  • Angle: Enter rotation angle directly in dialog box Insert
  • Specify On-Screen: Specify rotation angle by prompt lines
  • Explode: explode the objects of block after inserting. Then you only enter rate X (for X, Y and Z are equal). The component objects of block which are drawn on 0 layer will be located this layer. The objects which are tagged BYBLOCK will have white color. The objects which have shape of tag line BYBLOCK will have shape of CONTINUOUS line.

Command –Insert: When using Insert command, the prompt lines appears which allow you to insert block or drawing file into existing drawing as previous versions.
Command : – Insert ↵

  • Enter block name or [?]: GHE↵ Enter name of block
  • Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]: Fix the point to insert block
  • Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner or [Corner/XYZ] <1>: Enter coefficient following rate of direction X
  • Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>: Enter coefficient following rate of direction Y
  • Specify rotation angle <0>: Enter rotation angle

If creating the prompt line “Enter block name <>” you enter ? it will list the blocks in drawing.
If creating the prompt line “Enter block name <>” you enter mark (~) the dialog box Select Drawing File will appear

Thanks for reading!!!

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