Limit command in CAD – Drawing space limit command
Drawing space limit command – Limit command in CAD
After starting AutoCad program, click on Start from scartch and choose measuring system Metric, you will get a screen of working space with default size of 420, 297 units. If you accept 1 unit on screen corresponding to 1 mm in fact, you will draw an object with a size 42 cm x 29,7 cm. That space is too small for construction drawing. Therefore, we need to have a larger working space.
- Menu : Format/Drawing
- Key board: Limits
- Command: limits Type screen limit command
Command: limits Type screen limit command
Reset Model space limits: Press Enter to agree with coordinate of origin point
Specify lower left corner or (ON/OFF) of screen limit <0.0000,0.0000>
Specify upper right corner: Specify screen limit <420.0000,297.0000> : 42000,29700 equal to a space 42m x 29,7 m in fact
- Note:
Although the defined space is larger 100 times than at the present, the screen is unchanged. You must carry out the command to get that limit space back to inside screen by zoom command.
Good luck!
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