MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports


MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports

1. The way to call MV command in AutoCAD.

Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command
View » Viewports » 1,2,…Viewport View1 » Mview Mview, Mv

Mview command is used to create and control layout viewport. In layout, you can create many viewports as you want, but maximum is 64 viewports. The objects in model space only can be seen in activated viewport, it is empty in inactivated viewport. Using ON or OFF option to control the viewport being activated or inactivated.


  • Specify corner of viewport or
  • [ON/OFF/Fit/Shadeplot/Lock/Object/Polygonal/Restore/LAyer/2/3/4] <Fit>: Enter an option or press to select a point as the first corner of viewport

2. The options with MV command in AutoCAD

  • Corner of Viewport

Define the first corner of rectangle viewport, after selecting this point, the prompt line appears:
Specify opposite corner: Press to select the opposite corner of viewport

  • On

Activate the selected viewport. A activated viewport displays the created object in model space. MAXACTVP system variable controls maximum number of viewports which can be activated at the same time, the value range of variable (2 ¸ 64). If the number of viewports in you drawing is bigger than the number of viewports that MAXACTVP variable defined, you have to turn off some viewports to activate the remain ones. When you enter On, the prompt line appears:

Select objects: Select one or more viewports to activate.

MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports

  • Off

Select the viewport to turn off. The objects in model space do not display at the turn-off viewports (picture 8.8b). When you enter Off, the prompt line appears:
Select objects: Select one or more viewports to turn off.

  • Fit

Create a viewport with dimension fit to the printed area which is the area with dash boundary.

 Picture 8.9 – Fit, create the viewport fit to drawing area.
Picture 8.9 – Fit, create the viewport fit to drawing area.
  • Shadeplot

Specify the viewports in layout to shade. When you enter S, the prompt line appears:

Shade plot?[As displayed/Wireframe/Hidden/Visual styles/Rendered]<As displayed>: Enter an option to shade.

  • As Displayed

Specify the printed viewport as the way of its display.


MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports

  • Wireframe

Specify the printed viewport of wireframe objects (picture 8.10a). When you use this option, the following prompt line appears:
Select objects: Select the printed viewport of wireframe objects

  • Hidden

Specify the printed viewport of the objects which do not display their hidden parts. When you enter H, the following prompt line appears:
Select objects: Select the printed viewport of the objects which do not display their hidden parts. [After calling the print command Plot then select node Printpreview for (picture 8.10b)].

  • Visual styles

Specify the printed viewport following to visual styles. When you enter V, the following prompt line appears:

– Enter an option [3dwireframe/3dHidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Other] <Realistic>:
Enter an option

3dwireframe Print 3D wireframe model including boundaries.
3dHidden Print 3D wireframe model without hidden parts.
Realistic Print realistic shadow of model (picture 8.11a).

Conceptual Print shadow of model

  • Rendered

Specify the printed viewport by using the determined shadow setting.

  • Lock

Lock the selected viewport to prevent the effect of Zoom command in the viewport when you work in model space.

Viewport View Locking [ON/OFF]: Enter ON or OFF

Select objects: Select one or more viewports to lock.

MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports

  • Object

Specify a closed Polyline, ellipse, closed spline, region, or circle to change to viewport. Polyline that you specify must be closed and has minimum of 3 tops. It can interfere by itself and includes straight segments or arcs.

Select object to clip viewport: Select the object to change to viewport..

  • Polygonal

Create a boundary with any shape by using the specified tops. The prompt lines are similar to the prompt lines when you define a polygon boundary with extra references (xrefs), but you can specify arc when you create polygon viewport boundary.

Specify start point: Specify start point.
Specify start point: Specify start point.

Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Length/Undo]: Specify next point or enter an option (picture 8.12).

  • Arc

Add segments of circle for polygon viewport.

[Angle/CEnter/CLose/Direction/Line/Radius/Second pt/Undo/Endpoint of arc] <Endpoint>: Enter an option or press enter to enter the end point.

  • Close

Close the boundary. If you press enter after defining 3 tops, the boundary will be closed automatically.

  • Length

Draw a straight segment with same length and oblique angle with previous straight segment. If previous segment is arc, new straight segment will touch to arc.

  • Undo

Cancel straight segment or arc which has just been added for polygon viewport.

MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports

  • Restore

Call a viewport configuration saved by Vport command. When you use this option, the following prompt line appears:

Enter viewport configuration name or [?] <*ACTIVE>: Enter viewport configuration name to insert or press enter.

Specify first corner or [Fit] <Fit>: Select a top or press enter to use option.

  • First Corner

Define the position and dimension of new viewports by pressing to choose 2 tops of rectangle; the viewports are fit to this selected area.

  • Fit

Create viewport with dimension fit to drawing area.

  • Layer

Reset property of override layer for the selected viewport to their global layer properties.
Reset viewport layer property overrides back to global properties [Y/N]?: Enter Y to delete all override layer properties
Select viewports: Select one or more viewports then press ENTER.

  • 2

Divide the selected area into 2 horizontal viewports or vertical viewports with equal dimension.
Enter viewport arrangement [Horizontal/Vertical] <Vertical>: ¿ or enter H
Specify first corner or [Fit] <Fit>: ¿ (picture 8.13a); or use first corner

  • First Corner

Fix the position and dimension of new viewports by press to choose 2 tops of rectangle; the viewports are fit to this selected area.

  • Fit

Create the viewport with dimension fit to drawing area.

MV command in AutoCAD – Mview command – Create the moving viewports

2 viewports /vertical
2 viewports /vertical
3 viewports /right
3 viewports /right
  • 3

Divide the selected area into 3 viewports

– Enter viewport arrangement [Horizontal/Vertical/Above/Below/Left/<Right>: ¿
or enter an option.

The option “Horizontal and Vertical” divides the selected into 3 parts. The other options divide the selected area into 3 viewports: 1 big viewport and 2 smaller viewports. The options Above, Below, Left, and Right define the place where the big viewport is put.

Specify first corner or [Fit] <Fit>: ¿ (picture 8.13b);

First Corner/Fit similar to the options for 2 viewports.

  • 4

Divide the selected are into 4 Horizontal or Vertical viewports with equal dimension.
Specify first corner or [Fit] <Fit>: ¿ (picture 8.14); or use first corner.

First Corner/Fit similar to the options for 2 viewports.

Picture 8.14 – Mview, Create 4 fit moving viewports.
Picture 8.14 – Mview, Create 4 fit moving viewports.

Good luck!

Thanks for reading!!!

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