Polysolid command in AutoCAD – Created 3D polysolid


Polysolid command in AutoCAD – Created 3D polysolid

1. The way to call Polysolid command in AutoCAD

Dashboard Screen menu Type command Tool bar
3D make panel, Polysoild Draw2 » Soilds » Polysoild Polysoild Modeling

Polysolid command creates 3D polysolid. By Polysolid command, you can change an existing Line, 2D polyline, arc or circle to the solid which has the width and the height with current setting of acting Polysolid command. A polysolid can have arc segments but profile is always rectangle.

The system variable PSOLWIDTH sets up the default width for solid.
The system variable PSOLHEIGHT sets up the default height for solid.

Picture 5.49 – Polysolid, create 3D polysolid.
Picture 5.49 – Polysolid, create 3D polysolid.
  • Polysolid

Height = 4.0000, Width = 0.2500, Justification = Center
Specify start point or [Object/Height/Width/Justify] <Object>: Specify the start point of profile of solid.
Specify next point or [Arc/Undo]: Specify next points of profile of solid.

2. The options in Polysolid command

  • Object

Assign the object to change to the solid with the height and the width specified by previous Polysolid command. You can change the following objects to solid: Line, 2D polyline, Arc, Circle. When you enter O instead of the option Object, the following prompt line appears:

  • Polysolid

Height = 80, Width = 10, Justification = Center
Specify start point or [Object/Height/Width/Justify] <Object>: O¿
Select object: Select an object (1) to change to solid

Picture 5.50 – Polysolid, change the objects circle, arc to 3D solid
Picture 5.50 – Polysolid, change the objects circle, arc to 3D solid


Polysolid command in AutoCAD – Created 3D polysolid

  • Height

Enter the height for solid. The default height of solid is set up currently by PSOLHEIGHT variable. When you enter H instead of the option Height, the following prompt line appears:
– Specify height <default>: Enter the height for solid.
This value of the height will update for PSOLHEIGHT variable.
Enter the width for solid. The default width of solid is set up currently by PSOLWIDTH variable. When you enter W instead of the option Width, the following prompt line appears:

Specify width <current>: Enter the value or press to choose 2 points to define current width.

This value of the width will update for PSOLWIDTH variable.

  • Justify

Set up the justification following to the left, right or center when you define profile. The justification bases on the drawing start direction of the start segment of profile.
Enter justification [Left/Center/Right] <Center>: Enter justification option.

  • Next Point

Specify the next point or [Arc/Close/Undo]: Enter the next point of profile of solid or enter an option.

  • Arc

Add arc segment for solid. The start direction of default arc touches with the drawn last segment. When you enter A instead of the option Arc, the following prompt line appears:
Specify endpoint of arc or [Close/Direction/Line/Second point/Undo]: Enter the end point of arc or enter an option.

Polysolid command in AutoCAD – Created 3D polysolid

  • Close: Close solid by straight segment or arc.
  • Direction: Define the tangent direction with arc at the start point.

Specify the tangent direction from the start point of arc: Specify a point as the tangent direction with arc at the start point.
Specify endpoint of arc: Enter the end point of arc.

  • Line: Change to the option to draw straight line.
  • Second Point: Enter the second point and the end point of arc segment across 3 points.

Specify second point on arc: Enter the second point.

Specify end point of arc: Enter the end point

  • Undo: Delete arc segment which has just been added for solid
  • Close, Undo

These two options are similar to Close, Undo in the options o arc.

Thanks for reading!!!

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