V command – View command in AutoCAD – Create and save the named image

V command – View command in AutoCAD – Create and save the named image

1. The way to call View command in AutoCAD

Scroll down menu Screen menu Type command Tool bar
View » Named Views… View1 » Ddview View View

View command create, set up, rename, edit and delete the name images including the named images in model space and camera images, layout images, and reset the images. Click at an image to display its properties.

2. The options in the dialog box.

Display the list of existing views. You can stretch each node (except current node) to display its images.

  • Current: Display current view and properties of View including coordinate of view point, coordinate of destination point, view angle, length of lens, turn-on or turn-off perspective projection,…
  • Clipping display the front lane, back plane, turn on or turn off the plane.
  • Model Views: Display the list of cameras and the named images and the list of properties of General, View and Clipping for the selected view.
  • Layout Views: Display the list of viewports on layout which defines a view, and the list of properties of General, View and Clipping for the selected view.
  • Preset Views: Display the list of measuring axis projections and perpendicular projections, and the list of properties of General for the selected view.

V command – View command in AutoCAD – Create and save the named image

Picture 1.11
Picture 1.11
Picture 1.12
Picture 1.12


The following properties are available for views in General section:

  • Name: Display name of a selected camera, model space or layout. The cameras with default names are (Camera1, Camera2,…) when you create them in drawing. You can change the name in this case.

Category: For viewports in model space or layout. Display types of determined projections (for example: Elevations, Section, Details) in a drawing or set of drawing sheets where the selected projections are connected.

  • Viewport Association: Only for layouts viewports. Display the named viewport connected with a viewport on a drawing sheet or a set of drawing sheets.
  • UCS: For viewports in model space and layouts. Display the name of UCS (World, Unnamed) saved with named viewport.
  • Restore Ortho UCS: For resetting up the viewports. Store the connected UCS when the perpendicular projection is current. This option sets up UCSORTHO system variable.
  • Set Relative To: For resetting up the viewports. Define the base coordinate system to fix the perpendicular projection. UCSBASE system variable controls the direction of the perpendicular UCSs relatively in comparison with WCS or named UCS. The change of this setting also change the direction of the defined perpendicular UCS.

V command – View command in AutoCAD – Create and save the named image

  • Layer Snapshot: For viewports in model space and layouts. Specify the settings of current layer ON/OFF saved with the selected viewport.
  • Annotation Scale: Specify annotation scale saved with viewport.
  • Visual Style: Only for model viewports. Define a visual style to save with viewport. If you choose None, there is no visual style connected with viewport.
  • Background: For viewports of model space, its visual styles do not set up with 2D wireframe, define background (Solid, Gradient, Image, or Sun & Sky) defined for the selected viewport.
  • Live Section: Only for model viewports, display the direct section that is applied when viewport is stored.
  • View

The following visual properties are available for the images in View section of the properties list.

  • Camera X,Y,Z: Display X, Y, Z coordinates of view point only for viewing current model space.
  • Target X,Y,Z: Display X, Y, Z coordinates of destination point only for viewing current model space.
  • Roll angle: Define current rotation angle of view.
  • Height Define the height of view.
  • Width: Define the width of view.
  • Perspective: For current model space projections, perspective projection turns on or turns off.
  • Lens Length (mm): The length of lens. For projections except layouts, the change of lens length changes the setting of the corresponding Field of View.
  • Field of View: For all projections except layouts

V command – View command in AutoCAD – Create and save the named image

For projections except layouts, the following properties of plane are always available in Clipping section:

  • Front Plane: Define the copy value for front plane.
  • Back Plane: Define the copy value for front plane.
  • Clipping: Set up the options for plane. You can choose Off, Front On, Back On, or Front and Back On.

3. The nodes in the dialog box.

    • Set Current: Restore the selected image.
    • New…: Display New View dialog box to create new view (picture 1.12)

Update Layers: Update the information of the saved Layer with the selected view to link to visible ability of layer in current model space or current layout viewport.
Edit Boundaries…: This node is to edit new boundary of the selected image. Display the selected view with the rest of drawing region which is displayed in lighter color in order to show the boundary of the named view. When you press this node, the dialog box is hidden and the prompt line appears:

– Specify first corner: Press to select the first corner of new boundary.
– Specify opposite corner: Press to select the opposite corner of new boundary.
– Specifiy first corner (or press ENTER to accept): ¿ Press ENTER to accept new boundary.

View Manager dialog box appears again.

  • Delete: Delete the selected view.

Good luck!

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