WMFin command in AutoCAD – Insert WMF file to the applications

WMFin command in AutoCAD – Insert WMF file to the applications

1. a) Insert the created WMF file to AutoCAD drawing (WMFin command)
1. Start WMFin command, dialog box Import WMF appears (Picture 1). At the Command prompt, enter export.
2. Choose the file name to insert
3. Press Open.
4. Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate]: Choose the insertion point
5. Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ] <1>: Enter the insertion scale according to X axis
6. Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>: Enter the insertion scale according to Y axis or press ENTER.
Specify rotation angle <0>: Enter rotation angle around the insertion point, you get:

Picture 1- Enter WMF file to AutoCAD drawing
Picture 1- Enter WMF file to AutoCAD drawing
Picture 2 – Insertion drawing picture
Picture 2 – Insertion drawing picture

Insert the created WMF file to MS.Word
The order is as follows:
1. Open the word file to insert
2. Put the pointer at the position to insert
3. Choose Insert Picture From File… the dialog box Insert Picture appears (picture 3).
4. Choose WMF file to insert
5. Press Insert to close the insertion dialog box.
You will get the drawing to insert as Picture 2.

Picture 3– Insert WMF file to MS.Word
Picture 3– Insert WMF file to MS.Word

Good luck!

Thanks for reading!!!

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