Add AutoCad standard font for Windows and Macbook
Add AutoCad standard font for Windows and Macbook
- Escape autocad
- You extract and copy all to the folder Font Autocad. If you install autocad at Local Disk C, the link will be below:
C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 201x\Fonts

To add Fonts to AutoCAD for Macbook:
- Escape AutoCAD
- In Finder, go to / Applications / Autodesk / AutoCAD 201x.
- Click the right mouse to ‘AutoCAD’ and choose Show Package Contents.
- Go to / Contents/ Resources/ Fonts
- Copy your Font files to folder shx or ttf, depending on the type of Font.
- Fonts added to AutoCAD for Mac in application pack is correct with Fonts SHX. However, TrueType Font can be installed normally by Font Book instead of being set in AutoCAD. By this way, TrueType Font can be used by all applications in the system.
Good luck!
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