Block command in CAD – The most detailed instruction
Block command in CAD – Create block in Autocad
Block command in CAD (B command in cad): is the command to combine a geometry object created from disconnected objects into a unique object. The methods to create block in cad:
1. Combine the objects to create block concept in your current drawing.
2. Create drawing file and insert them as a block in another drawing.
Below is the way to us Block command in cad:
- Command: Block
- Menu: Draw\block\make
Command : Block↵ or from “Draw menu” choose Block>Make…
The dialog box Block Denifition appears.
The choices dialog box Block Denifition
- Block name: Enter block name in edit box Name, for example GHE. Block name with maximum of 255 characters can be: letter, number, space or any character which Microsoft Window and AutoCAD use for other purposes if system variable EXTNAMES = 1. If variable EXTNAMES = 0, block name has maximum of 31 characters. Block name and definitions are saved in current drawing. You cannot use the following names as block name: DIRECT, LIGHT, AVE_RENDER, RM_SDB, SH_SPOT và OVERHEAD. To see the block list in drawing, you choose key…
- Base point: Define the standard point to insert block, default is 0,0,0.
. X Define abscissa X
. Y Define ordinale Y
. Z Define altitude Z
Block command in CAD – combine the disconnected objects into a unique object.
- Pick Point: If you choose this key, dialog box Block Denifition temporarily closes and the prompt line appears: “Specify insertion base point:” and you choose the standard point to insert directly on drawing.
- Objects: Define the object in the new block and let us to retain, change the chosen objects to block or delete these objects out of drawing after creating block.
- Retain: Retain the chosen objects as the separate objects after creating block.
- Convert to Block: Change the chosen objects to block once creating block (similarly, insert the created block at the old position)
- Delete: delete the chosen objects after creating block
- Select Objects: temporarily close dialog box Block Denifition while you are choosing the objects to create block. After choosing the objects on drawing, you just need to ENTER the dialog box Block Denifition will appear again.
- Quick Select: Dialog box Quick Select allow you to choose the object group according to layer, color, stroke… (similar to Qselect command)
- Objects Selected: Display number of the chosen objects to create block.
- Preview Icon: Define to save or not save “preview icon with block definition and specify icon source.
- Do Not Include an Icon: Preview icon will not be created.
- Create Icon from Block Geometry: Create the saved preview icon with block definition from geometry shape of objects in block.
- Preview Image: Display the image of preview icon that you specified.
- Insert Units: Specify block unit in case there is rate change in block when bringing from AutoCAD DesignCenter to drawing.
- Description: Fix the description text line connecting with block definitions.
Block command in CAD – combine the disconnected objects into a unique object.
* The order to create block by dialog box “block denifition”
To create block, we follow the below order:
– Carry out Block command (or from “Draw menu” choose Block>Make..), dialog box Block Denifition appears.
– Enter block name in edit box Name, for example GHE.
– Choose key Select Objects<, the dialog box temporarily closes to come back the graphic drawing area and use the other methods to choose block objects. After choosing the objects, press ENTER, dialog box Block Denifition will appear. Please note that after choosing objects, the number of objects will appear under “Objects” frame.
– Enter Insertion base point at box X, Y, Z or choose key Pick Point< to choose an insertion point on graphic area.
– Press OK to complete the command. If you choose key Delete on region Objects, the block objects will be deleted, to overcome these objects you carry out Oops command. If you want to retain the block objects, you choose key Retain. To change the chosen objects to block once creating block, you choose key Convert to Block.
Command to create block in CAD
* Create block by -Block command.
If carrying out –Block command, you can create block following to the statements similar to previous version.
Command : -Block↵
- Enter block name or [?]:Enter block name
- Specify insertion base point: Choose insertion base point
- Select objects: Choose the objects to create block
- Select objects: Continue to choose the objects or ENTER to complete the choices in –Block command
- Block Name:Block name has maximum of 255 characters. If you enter the same name with existing block, the following prompt line will appear: Block “NAME” already exists. Redefine it? [Yes/No] <N>: Enter Y to define again block, enter N to enter other name or ENTER to choose default.
- ? : If at the prompt line “Enter block name [?]” you enter ? the next prompt line will appear: Enter block(s) to list <*>: Press ENTER to list the existing blocks in drawing.
The list includes: Defined blocks in drawing, xref and outside subordinate blocks and number of blocks without name in drawing.
Good luck!
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