Ddedit command in CAD

DDedit command in CAD (or ED command in CAD, Character edit command in CAD, Text edit command in CAD, DIM edit command in CAD, Size edit command in CAD): It is the command that changes the content of character line and its characteristics. You can enter the command or double click at the character line that needs to edit. Below is the way to use DDedit command in CAD:

  • Command: Ddedit
  • Shortcut command: ED
  • Menu : Modify\object\text\edit
Ddedit command in CAD
Ddedit command in CAD

If the character line is created by Text command, Edit Text dialog box will appear, then you can edit the content of the character line.
If the object is created by Mtext command, Text Formatting dialog box will appear, then you can edit the necessary parameters and press OK.

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