F command in AutoCAD – Fillet command

F command in AutoCAD – Fillet command – Create the transiting curved surface and fillet Solid edge

1. The way to call F command in AUtoCAD.

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Modify » Fillet Modify 1 » Fillet Fillet, F


Fillet command is to create the transiting curved surface and fillet the edges of object.

  • Fillet
  • Current settings: Mode = current, Radius = current
  • Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: Select the first edge of 3D object or enter an option.

2. Các tùy chọn với lệnh F trong AutoCAD

  • First Object

Select the first edge of 3D object to create the transiting curved surface and fillet the edges. If you select 3D object, you can choose many edges, but each by each edge.

  • Fillet

Current settings: Mode = current, Radius = current
Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: Select the first edge (1).
Enter fillet radius <current>: 20 (Enter fillet radius)
Select an edge or [Chain/Radius]: Select other edges to fillet then press ENTER to complete (picture 6.23).
If you choose 3 or more edges intersecting at a top that forms the angle of box shape, Fillet command calculates to combine the tops to a part of sphere if 3 transiting arcs has the same radius.

F command in AutoCAD – Fillet command – Create the transiting curved surface and fillet Solid edge

  • Chain

Change from selecting the separate edge to selecting the consecutive transiting edges which create a chain.

  • Fillet

Current settings: Mode = current, Radius = current
Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: Select the first edge (1).
Enter fillet radius <current>: 20¿ Enter fillet radius.
Select an edge or [Chain/Radius]:C ¿
Select edge chain or <Edge/Radius>: Select a chain of 4 vertical edges of box shape and 2 bottom circles of cylinder hole.
Select edge chain or <Edge/Radius>: ¿

  • Edge: Change to select a singe edge.
  • Radius: Enter fillet radius.

Enter fillet radius <current>: Enter fillet radius

  • Undo

Come back the previous action of the command.


Good luck!

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