Find command in AutoCAD – The command is to edit Text in series in AutoCAD

Find command in AutoCAD – The command is to edit Text in series in AutoCAD

Hello everyone,
– Today, we will introduce you to use the command and lisp that is to edit Text in series in AutoCAD.
– We also would like to give you a set of Block Dynamic which is steel notes, and CAD lisp to edit Text in series (ATT object in our block). We will introduce you to do it.

1. The command is to edit Text in series in CAD: Find

– For example: We have a series of steel notes as below picture:

– The problem is that we want to edit all steel distance a100 to a200.

– Generally, if you do not know FIND command, you will edit text then Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v, don’t you?

– However, FIND command will help us to edit all texts very quickly by below steps:

  • Step 1: Type FIND command (Please have a look at the below picture for more details:

  • Step 2: Enter the old content which needs to edit
  • Step 3: Enter the content to edit
  • Step 4: Click here to choose text objects to edit
    Step 5: Press here so that CAD helps us to edit

2. Edit floor steel notes in series by CAD lisp: CD2

– As you can see in the above example, FIND command can edit in series for texts or character ranges with similar content to a content you want. However, the more difficult problem is how to edit all texts with different contents to a content you want.

– We will share to you a cad lisp which can do it. However, it can be applied with the block of steel notes which we gave you. But don’t worry, the block we gave you is very valuable; you can use it in all drawings which need steel notes.

– You carry out to Apload lisp, then see our instruction.
– Below is some pictures about block:

Find command in AutoCAD – The command is to edit Text in series in AutoCAD

– Now, we will introduce you to use this lisp:
– For example: We have a series of steel notes with different contents as below picture:

– Now, we want to edit all a200 and a300 to a100 at the same time, we will enter CD2 command.
– Next, click to choose Text object with content of a100:

– Next, scan to all blocks which need to edit the content to a100:

– Finally, just enter. Please have a look at the result.

– Is it good? It is not only to change the content but also to change the color. It will save a lot of time if the steel notes are too much.
– Similarly, if you want to edit steel name or diameter, you can use this CD2 command as well.

Good luck!

Thanks for reading!!!

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