Export – Stlout command in AutoCAD – Export stereolithography STL files.
Export – Stlout command in AutoCAD – Export stereolithography STL files.
You can export 3Dsolid objects into appropriate STL file format by Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA). Solid data is turned into SLA as grid performance of many plans including a collection of triangles. Using STL file for rapid modeling equipment.
- Export 3D solids into STL file –Export command
- Start File Export… dialog box Export Data appears. At the Command prompt, enter export.
- In the dialog box Export Data, enter file name.
- Under Files of Type, choose Lithography (*.stl).
- Press Save, the below prompt line appears:
– Select a single solid for STL output: Choose 1 or more solid objects.
– Select a single solid for STL output:
All chosen objects must be inside of the positive XYZ quadrant of WCS original coordinates system. It means that X, Y, Z coordinates must be bigger than 0. Extension part .stlg is automatically attached to the file name.
- Export 3D solids into STL file – STLOUT command
STLOUT command saves solid as ASCII file or binary file. The order is as follows:
- Start STLOUT command
- Select a single solid for STL output: Choose an object to export into STL file.
- Select a single solid for STL output:
- Create a binary STL file? [Yes/No] <Y>: Do you create a binary STL file?.
- The dialog box Create STL File appears.
- Press Save.
Good luck!
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