WE command in AutoCAD- Wedge command – Create the wedge solid
WE command in AutoCAD- Wedge command – Create the wedge solid
1. The way to call WE command in AutoCAD.
Scroll down menu | Screen menu | Type command | Tool bar |
Draw » Modeling » Wedge | Draw2 » Solids » Wedge | We, Wedge | Modeling |
Wedge command is to create the wedge solid model. The wedge is 3D solid with 5 surfaces, equals a half of the box shape with the same three-dimensional size.
- Wedge
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: Specify a point as the first corner of the wedge.
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: Enter another corner of the wedge or use an option.
2. Create the wedge – Define two vertexes of the opposite corner of the wedge
- We
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: – Select P1 belonging to XY plane as the vertex of the first corner of the wedge.
Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: @180,150,100 – Enter the vertex of other corner of rectangular box containing the wedge.
3. Create the wedge – Define a corner vertex, the opposite top of the bottom and the height
- We
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: – Select P1 belonging to XY plane as the vertex of the first corner of the wedge.
Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: @180, 150- Enter the vertex of opposite corner of the wedge bottom (P2).
Specify height or [2Point]: 100 – Enter the height of the wedge.
WE command in AutoCAD- Wedge command – Create the wedge solid
4. Create the wedge – Define the dimension of length, width, height
- We
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: – Select P1 belonging to XY plane as the vertex of the first corner of the wedge.
Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: L
Specify length: 180 8 – Enter length following to X axis.
Specify width: 140 8 – Enter width following to Y axis
Specify height: 100 8 – Enter height following to Z axis
5. Create the wedge – Define the vertex and the same size of 3 directions (Cube)
- We
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: – Select P1 belonging to XY plane as the vertex of the first corner of the wedge.
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: C
Specify length: 140 Enter length of the wedge edge
6. Create the wedge – Define the center and the coordinates of a corner vertex
- We
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: C
Specify center: – Select O point as the center of the wedge.
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: @80,85,70 – Enter the coordinates of a corner of the wedge in comparison with O center.
7. Create the wedge – Define the center, the coordinates of a vertex and height of the wedge.
- We
Specify first corner or [CEnter]: C
Specify center: – Select O point as the center of the wedge.
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: @80,85 – Enter the coordinates of a vertex of the rectangle in comparison with O center (The rectangle is in parallel and has the same dimension with the wedge bottom).
Specify height or [2Point]: 140 – Enter the height of the wedge.
2Point option is used to define the height of the wedge by distance of 2 selected points on screen.
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